20+ years of industry experience
KnowBe4, Inc.: SVP, Strategic Insights and Research – 3 years (current)
Authored Phishing by Industry Benchmark Reports, Security Culture Reports and numerous white papers/blogs.
Gartner: Senior Director – 4 years
Led industry research on security awareness, education, behavior management and crisis communications.
Authored Magic Quadrants, Market Guides, Critical Capabilities, Hype Cycles and 25+ research papers. Provided guidance to thousands of customers.
ADP, Inc.: Senior Director, Global Security Comm., Training & Awareness – 2 years
Lead the design, implementation and support of ADP’s worldwide security, risk and privacy communications, awareness and training programs both internally & externally; responsible for strategy, budget, measurement and execution covering 132 countries, 55K employees in 20+ languages.
Expertise includes:
- Critical factors in building a comprehensive security awareness program
- Using rewards and consequences to motivate secure employee behavior
- Securing the human defense layer
- Gaining executive support for your security awareness program
- Hiring the right talent to run your security awareness program
- Defining security awareness objectives
- Designing a security champion program
- Communicating the success of your security awareness program
- Phishing attack landscape and industry benchmarking
- Risk Landscape: What the bad guys are up today
- Fostering a security aware culture
- Securing your human defense layer in this unorthodox work climate